Leaving WausVegas
(to borrow a phrase from the inimitable Jim Carlson) I rolled into town on a Saturday in February of 2007. I promptly got lost. It wasn't that the directions I had were hard to follow -- it was simply that I got to Wausau and then looked for my exit. It took some time before I realized that I had passed it on my way in. I had spent the previous night in Minneapolis, and for the first few days I was homeless. Next, I occupied a nearly-empty apartment for a bit before my parents followed with my stuff. It seems only fitting that I hit rewind. My parents turned up a week ago to load almost everything into a truck. I then occupied a nearly-empty apartment until yesterday, then camped at Emma Jean's for my last night in town. Tonight, I'm hanging out in Minneapolis with the Admiral, E-Train, and Mrs. Bergie before landing in Sioux Falls for the foreseeable future. The parallels are a little weird. After a long night of packing and cleaning, my hands covered in scrat...