Life In The Slow Lane

The excitement of my week thus far has been showing my apartment at four hours' notice. I was hit by a brief sting of panic, then looked around and thought, "Who am I kidding? This is just how the place looks right now."

There's mess -- and then there's moving mess. There's only so much that can be done if the mess is due to a move.

The couple that looked at the place seemed to like it well enough ... I'm mostly just hoping they like it well enough to want it. They were pretty fantastic, and I'd like to leave this place in good hands, you know?

Aside from that, it's been a day of packing and raking leaves. (Leaf raking: one of the more gratifying chores. Not overly strenuous and not likely to need repeating for some time. Grass grows back after you mow, snow falls again after you shovel -- but unless there's a windy day before they're swept up, leaves only need to be raked once.)

It is a perfect day outside. Maybe it's time for a walk.


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