
It has been a long weekend.

One full day of packing boxes, followed by a day of loading a truck (and packing more boxes) ... then a day fighting with a cake (okay, not a full day) ...

Two evenings at Red Eye, 18 solid hours of rain, and one twisted ankle later...

I'm almost -- almost -- done with the unfortunate task of moving.

I love this apartment. Love it. I'll miss it dearly. However, as long as I'm living alone I never want to live in a place quite this large again. I just simply have way too much stuff.

Not nearly enough of it is/was useful, either.

After a week of helter skelter, the weekend ended with a girls' night at Neub's house which may have been exactly what I needed to restore some equilibrium. I haven't felt this normal in about two weeks. It's about stinking time.

And -- bonus -- the Packers won. (Or Favre lost, however you want to look at it.)

Time to get some sleep. Big week ahead.


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