
When I was in college, I could fit everything I owned in my Jeep.

By all means, it was because I lived in a dorm. I had virtually no furniture and had I had much more than that Jeep-full, it would have never fit into my 9x12 living space. (Particularly the years where I shared said space.) It was largely books and school files with a couple boxes of non-perishable foods. And a mini-fridge.

From there, I moved to a house and provided a few random pieces of furniture. I was up to a Jeep full and a small trailer that carried a bunk bed, a couch, and a small dining room set.

And then I moved to Wausau.

I know. I know it makes a difference when you're out on your own, particularly since there's no one else providing furniture. I know it's completely different when you end up buying appliances. (I have a washer and dryer now.) But it's not the big things that have me annoyed today. Those only took up about a third of the space on that truck.

It's also not the books (something like eleven medium-sized boxes of them because I really like books) or the DVDs (two medium-large boxes stuffed full). And it's only partially the kitchen stuff, of which I have more than I need but not quite so obnoxiously so.

It's the heaps and heaps of other stuff. Decorative stuff (some of it worth keeping), clothes I don't wear any more, craft stuff that hasn't been used yet. And so much junk that I really shouldn't keep around.

As much sorting and tossing that I've already done (and it's no small amount) -- I have that much and more to do when I get back to SoDak. I'm a little fearful of just how much I'll be able to consolidate all those boxes, how much work didn't get done before, how much space is wasted right now.

How much junk I've acquired in three and a half years that I really don't need.

That in itself is a sobering thought.

Somehow, it's rather comforting that I'm forced to cut back. I knew this would be a time of re-evaluation and all that -- I had no idea the paths it would take.


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