
I have a headache.

I'd blame the vocab words I've been going through but the headache started first.

The last week has been a little hectic. I'm getting my things in order to move back to good ol' SoDak and in the process I've been trying to buoy my spirits about moving home after an eight-year absence.

So. The cons:
- No more Red Eye.
- No more easily-attained craft beer in general.
- No more fresh cheese.
- Neubs, Emma Jean, Moonie, E-Train, the Admiral, and all sorts of others either live here or live closer to here than Sioux Falls.

However, the pros:
- I'll be seeing friends that I haven't seen much of for the last eight years.
- Even temporary jobs are easier to come by around there.
- They have an adult soccer league.
- Sioux Falls in general has a lot more options, particularly in the coffee shop realm. (As expected when the area population more than triples.)
- Winter stinks a lot less there.
- I won't have to shovel the driveway. (There's a snowblower.)
- No rent, at least for a little while.
- Actually, a whole bunch of bills disappear.

And hey, my parents are pretty cool.

So there will be some downsides, but as a whole Sioux Falls isn't so bad. I'll have to relearn the place a bit -- it's changed a lot in eight years. Heck, the population alone has grown by over 50,000. That's significant.

And this time a move won't make me feel like an alien. That's a definite plus.


Lee Ryan said…
Sioux Falls is a great town!!

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