
There are a lot of things in life I don't understand.

Religious wars.

Climate change.

The appeal of plaid shorts on men.

How Brett Favre can quit his job twice and still get it back ... with a raise, no less.

Why I can remember the names of the actors in "Basic" (even Giovanni Ribisi, before he was in "Avatar") but can't remember the steps to the citric acid cycle overnight.

[While I'm thinking about "Avatar," why in the world they chose to name their element "unobtainium" when so many of their target population were going to roll their eyes and/or snicker at said name. I know my friends and I exchanged incredulous looks for a moment. Totally threw me off track for a few minutes.]

What's baffling me today is why the Taco Bell that recently re-opened has a perpetual line. It's just a Taco Bell. Granted it's much less creepy than the one that previously stood there -- but it's still just a Taco Bell.

Really, I never fully understand the beating-a-path-to-the-door-of-a-new-restaurant thing, although it's a pretty basic phenomenon here. I get wanting to try a new place. And I get why something fresh and new can be popular.

But it's a Taco Bell.



Tua Sorella said…
There's often a 30 minute wait at our Taco Bell. But that's because it's the only Taco Bell in Korea... And it's still pretty new.

The phenomenon continues regardless of location.
Anonymous said…
so if you haven't seen Fern Gully in awhile, watch it and then watch Avatar.

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