
I have never spent as little time around other humans as these past few days.

Despite taking my alone time to a new extreme, it's been an okay week. When I get tired of hanging out at home (or when I just can't look at another cardboard box without uttering some strange pseudo-curse word), I go elsewhere to study for my GRE. When I get hungry, I can take as much time as I want to cook something.

And the baking. Oh, the baking.

It's true -- I'm in the honeymoon phase of this whole experience. At some point reality will set in and it's going to get rough. I'm guessing that'll be in about two weeks as I finish moving all my earthly belongings into my car and vacate this house I've inhabited for the last two and a half years. It's been some time since I've been in one residence this long, and it'll likely be more than a few years before I can say that again.

If nothing else made me feel a bit odd, that's it right there.

Anyway! Enough of this. It's a Friday, which means I'm actually going to be social again. It also means -- in the case of this particular Friday -- that I have a cake to frost.

Have a good weekend, all.


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