
Twelve Things That Have Changed Since I Lost My Job

1. How many hours (and which hours exactly) I sleep.
2. How much time I spend at Barnes & Noble. (More.)
3. How much coffee I drink. (Much more.)
4. How much alcohol I drink. (Considerably less.)
5. The regularity of my meals. (Less regular, more substantial.)
6. My vocabulary. (Expanding. Slowly.)
7. The frequency with which I blog. (Quality notwithstanding.)
8. My time spent outside. (Number one time to not miss a cubicle.)
9. The level of cleanliness of my apartment. (Better, then worse, and now getting better again.)
10. The frequency at which I bake. (Daily instead of weekly.)
11. My stress level. (A bit more unpredictable, but lower on a day-to-day basis.)
12. How much attention I pay to the news. (Not enough.)

The blogging downside to this job thing is that I have very little of interest to say. I've talked about the weather and I mention the things I'm doing differently -- but they're not full-fledged topics.

And aside from the Chilean miners (which is a way cool story) there's very little for me to talk about in the news.

I don't want to talk politics. I'm looking forward to the elections so the ads end ... and so people stop knocking on my door. Few things annoy me faster than campaigners asking who I intend to vote for. (It's none of their business, thankyouverymuch.)

So I sit with my coffee and my GRE prep book, reading about how to write a convincing essay for the analytical writing section and wondering why in the world I was nervous about that section at all. There's no reason.

Back to vocab flash cards. The analogies -- those are what will get me.

Have a good week, all.


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