My Bad News

It was Tuesday, January 9th, 2007, when I first sat in that room.

I was surrounded by middle-aged men whose importance I would only know months later, and I was probably not quite nervous enough. The truth was that the day had gone pretty well so far and my confidence was oddly buoyed.

It seems only fitting that 1360 days later, I found myself in that room again, this time chatting with a career counselor for a placement agency as my time there came to an end.

Yesterday held the third round of layoffs for our company in the last year and a half. This time my department didn't escape unscathed. More specifically, I didn't escape unscathed.

As of about 24 hours ago, I joined the ranks of The Unemployed.

As I kept telling people, I wasn't doing well -- but I had been worse. It wasn't the worst day of my life and somehow that made it much easier to deal.

Howver, it hasn't really sunk in yet despite the "action item" list in my head. I need to call my landlord, figure out how to file for unemployment, kick myself for not visiting Chicago yet, clean my house, start packing ... I don't know much else besides the fact that I can't stay right where I am and continue to pay rent.

And I have a resume to get together and grad school applications to fill out.

Yes. It feels good just to say it -- "grad school." Something I've been considering for months but unable to say out loud (except to a very small audience) because, well, I had a job that I wanted to keep for awhile at least.

But there it is.

People have been fantastic already, which is just a reminder that I have awesome friends. This next phase, whatever it may be, won't be so bad. I don't think.

On to the next adventure...


Lee Ryan said…
Holy crap!

I'm so sorry.

For what it's worth, I'm looking forward to a post sometime in the future where you describe October 1st 2010 as a really great day that set you on course for the spectacular life you now have.

In the mean time; keep the chin up.

JustMe said…
I hope this turns out to be a great new direction for your life. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help (my company is hiring engineers, if you can stand living in the south) and good luck with your grad school applications.

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