Biochemistry brings strange revelations. All right, so I'm not one for smooth transitions. It's been another week for reflection and whatnot, and that includes while I'm in class. Have you ever taken a look back at yourself and realized how completely and totally different you are now than you were X number of years ago? I guess I'm thinking specifically of my college-aged readers ... Take, for instance, you in high school versus you now. I know I've changed; I look roughly the same, but just about everything else is different, especially my thought processes. I am a Christian scientist. Well, Christian engineer (this semester, more scientist some days). Those two sides don't always get along very well. But today, in biochemistry, the intricacy of the glycolysis pathway hit me and my "inner response" was something like, "Holy cow." Okay, so maybe that last sentence didn't make much sense to anyone but me. Let me rephrase. We were ...