An Odd Homesickness
I'm not known for bouts of homesickness. When I started college, it took several weeks before it really hit me; when I moved out here, there was more of the same. Occasionally, though, a conversation or news story or random thought will hit me just right and WHAM! Homesickness. As anyone who has met me can likely tell, I love love LOVE my home state. I am more patriotic and loyal toward my birth state than I am toward my home country. It's one of those things -- the place tends to inspire fierce loyalty or fierce loathing, and lucky for me it's the former in my own life. I will take any opportunity I can to talk about the people and places back west, and while I know this can get tiresome it's something I can't always help. I'm not from around here; most of my friends are. Whenever they talk about local things, they are talking about home. But I'm a transplant -- and it takes special occasions and topics in order for me to get to say much about where...