Ending August
1. My grandparents are now great-grandparents; cousin Kaci had a baby boy early Monday morning. Yay! Congratulations, Kaci and Jerrid! 2. Shorty is now officially of age ... which means that this weekend we can hit a winery or two. Because that is what our gene pool dictates. 3. I'm really tired of looking for a job. But as I don't have one yet, I guess I'll keep it up. 4. The final Packers preseason game is tomorrow night. Will I watch it? ... Absolutely. 5. It still boggles my mind that football has become a "thing" in my life. Egads. 6. On the other hand, the other autumnal things I'm looking forward to include new seasons of "Community" and "Dancing With The Stars" ... and the latter only because Maks is back. 7. Really, that's no more comforting than the football. Egads again. 8. Ooh, and "Doctor Who," which isn't "new" so much as "finally available to me again." 9. Wow, I'm a n...