Splendid Isolation

My first day away and what do I do? Get up at 6:30 anyway. Hey, it was still sleeping in.

I'm sure that says something about me. Hopefully it's something like "go-getter" as opposed to "crazy."

After spending most of the afternoon thinking about how long it was until I could leave, it was oddly hard to drive away from Storm. Odd because I'll be back this weekend ... but I'm done being employed there. And the place is very, very different than when I turned up in May. I mean, every time I go back it's a little different -- but this time it's very different than when I arrived. It's odd.

Now, I sit in a rather isolated (really, the fog is amazing this morning), rather quiet house by myself. After three months of nonstop people, this is absolutely fantastic. Desperately needed. And hey, it works out well for everybody -- my grandparents get a much-needed vacation and I get away for a couple days. Even better, about the time the solitude starts to get to me, I'll be heading back into the Hills for a fun day with Shorty.

You see, he turns 21 today. For whatever reason, one of the things he wants to do in honor of this occasion is ... go to a winery with his sister. I'm not one to argue, even if he's really not allowed to get this old. Alas, as he is a college student with the attending responsibilities, the winery must wait till Saturday or so.

I know. Rough life, eh?


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