Little Ashley Goes For A Walk
There are certain aspects of working at a camp that are ... markedly different than my previous office jobs. For example, today I was left alone with the camp while my coworkers were out and about. I love alone-in-camp days. They're quiet. Peaceful. Easy to get things done because you can justifiably walk away from the phone. (Ahem.) And okay, maybe I also enjoy big empty buildings while I blare OK Go and clean. Or if I'm feeling intellectual, an episode of the "What's The Point" podcast. To each her own. Anyway, this morning I was feeling fantastic -- a big step after spending most of the weekend generally miserable, holed up with a fever and a hacking cough. (Yes, you're welcome. Be glad I wasn't in public.) Which was good news since I also had a rather large to-do list and, again, an entire camp to watch. Woot. My day began with ... emails to answer. Not so exciting or different. But then I had a fully amusing breakfast with our two current g...