
Showing posts from September, 2012

Things September Taught Me

1. I will never be a fan of political races. 2. I have some of the coolest cousins ever and I really should be getting to know them better. 3. There are also Whovians among my cousins. I want you to imagine someone you know rather well suddenly doing this (starting at 21 seconds) at you in the middle of a wedding reception. Because that happened to me. 4. I am too restless to stay in a good mood as long as I'd like. 5. A person really can meet fantastic people anywhere. I need to make a real habit of talking to strangers instead of it being a sporadic thing. (Should have already known this. Case in point: we've reached a point where one of my favorite bartenders ever is letting me borrow her copies of the Hunger Games books. Yes, Mr. Rogers -- I'm finally reading them.) 6. I get a tad too worked up over football games. [WHO AM I??!!]

New Name, Same Great Taste

... That may very well be the most disturbing thing I've typed in quite some time. Sorry about that. So! Here we are. I told you things would be changing. Not drastically -- I was looking for a drastic change but I just can't bring myself to use the dynamic views that Blogger offers just yet. Maybe in a few months when they can do all the things I want. I'm not done. For instance, I really don't like Arial as a font (or as a Disney heroine, but that's different). I haven't decided if I like the three-column thing, either. And the Blogger website is getting buttheaded in some ways so not all of my changes are staying. Gotta work on that. But I'm here, it's functional again, and ... that's it. Have a good day, all.

Dear NFL:

I am a fan. In fact, I am your target fan: young, active, somewhere between "casual" and "die-hard," with some disposable income and the general desire to fly my team's colors. But clearly, you don't care. I've been getting steadily more frustrated with the referee situation this year and last night was easily more than I could handle. Note: the entire game was ridiculous on both sides of the ball. But the one play you had the chance to correct, you decided to tell me instead that I and 14 million other viewers were all wrong. This is a problem. Now, this game could be infamous in and of itself. However, this comes at the end of a very long week of football. Three coaches -- at least -- lost their cool this week and are being penalized, and they weren't even the hotheaded ones we expected it from. In-game penalties are up by one per team, per game over last year -- and last year the players barely had time to practice beforehand. There wer...

Here It Goes.

I'm back. Perhaps earlier than intended, but that's how it's going to go. I have some ranting to do, which will hopefully be posted tonight. That's the real reason. Also, be warned: I'm in the middle of changing the look of the blog. And the name, because I've tired of the vague references to my state of mind. (Hey, a decade of them and you'd get tired of it too.) I decided to go with vague references to nothing in particular instead. The URL will stay the same because ... I'm lazy. And I'm okay with that. Clearly, there's more to say, but we'll get to that later. For now, I just wanted you to be warned that soon things will look different, but yes, you're in the right place. Cheers, all.

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming...

I'm not back. Not really. After this, I intend to return to silence for ... well, a week at least. However. When something amazing comes up on xkcd, I like to post about it. ( You know this .) I've managed to refrain for awhile. BUT. When something truly ambitious and beautiful comes up, I have to rave about it. And that would be today's comic, the aptly-titled " Click and Drag ." It starts out innocently enough. But then you follow the directions (you know ... to click and drag) and soon you're ... well, traveling the world.   Just one picture. I can't ruin the fun by posting all my favorite moments . It's amazing. Truly, astonishingly amazing. And absurdly poetic, right down to the fact that you can only see a small window of the world at any given time. There's still so much to explore that I will likely never see everything above and below ground. (I found an airplane! And the tunnels. But egads, he could have hidden ...


As of late, I've had very little enthusiasm for blogging. At best, it's been a distraction. At worst, a chore. As I really don't have a need for more of either of those things, I think it's time I took an official, on-purpose kind of break. With that, I'll see you in a few weeks.