April-Ending Vignettes
1. As an offshoot of Party of One , let me just say ... I love being a regular at a restaurant. I love walking into a place and knowing the staff by name. I love it when they know what I'm going to order before I order it. I love the comfort of chatting with people who wander through. However, it's a little alarming when you realize how much more you hear as a regular than as a normal diner. 2. I'm really looking forward to "The Avengers" on Friday, even if it'll be a little while before I get to see it. Maybe it's because it's a Joss Whedon movie. Maybe it's because it's been in the works for so long and I've heard about it since almost the very beginning. Maybe it's just because I'm a nerd. In any case, I can't wait. 3. It's been some time since I paid this much attention to "Dancing With The Stars." I guess it took them casting a Packer. (And Urkel! Who knew we'd ever have the chance to look at Urkel and sa...