
Showing posts from July, 2006

Free At Last

We're done! We're moved out and we've turned in our keys! Finally, finally , I'm only officially residing at 3 places! Hmm. Still something wrong with that. Feels good, though. I actually feel mildly accomplished today. There's the moving out thing, coupled with the time to relax thing and the fact that I finally have shampoo. I'm out of tea-drinking practice, however, as my relaxing has lead to the fact that I'm very jittery. School plans are in full swing as well; my schedule is complete (provided no classes get cancelled, which I'm praying pretty hard about right now) and IV things are starting to pick up. I do believe I'm actually looking forward to this semester! Ahh. Happy. I've missed the non-worrying feelings. Have a great week!

Quiz Thingy

I found this on a fellow blogger's site (name withheld to protect the mostly-innocent) and it intrigued me. (Yay for Blogthings and the many pointless quizzes there ...) Also found it interesting that I'm perpetually in the middle -- kind of explains my decision-making abilities! Your Five Factor Personality Profile Extroversion: You have medium extroversion.You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time." Conscientiousness: You have high conscientiousness.Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.Most things in your life are organized and planned well.But you borderline on being a total perfectionist. Agreeableness: You have medium agreeableness.You're generally a friendly and trusting person.But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.You get along well with others, as long as they play fair. Neuroticis...


There was a wedding here that just got over with about 10 minutes ago ... They released balloons at the end, and as I watched them, I was struck by the haze in the air. There's a fire raging about 20 (?) miles north of here, and the smoke is taking over the Hills. About 3000 acres (4.7 square miles) have burned so far, including one house and several unnamed structures. Hundreds have been evacuated, which is what makes this fire different; usually, the fires out here are in less populated areas. UNpopulated, even. Also not helping matters is the weather ... Record highs for two weeks now (heat that usually only appears for 4 or 5 days each summer), almost no rain, and crazy mad wind. The firefighters really aren't catching a break. It's crazy ... Flooding in Ohio, with a drought so strong here that the forest is ready to self-ignite. The balance is off ...


Today, I saw a man in a chicken suit riding a bicycle.

Geocaching And Chick Flicks

Today, I (re)discovered the magicalness of geocaching ! If you haven't done it, I highly recommend it. It's a worldwide treasure hunt; people hide things all over, give the GPS coordinates online, and then other people find 'em and sign 'em. Sounds rather ... I don't know. Not fun. But it's awesome, and possibly a new hobby -- yay for new hobbies! I have also been watching a lot of chick flicks lately, which just puts me in a weird, slightly offbeat mood. (More offbeat for me -- less Ashley-like.) Earlier today, I had much more to say. Right now, I'm just tired. The black circles under my eyes give me away ... I worked very early this morning. Egads. Bedtime. Have a good one! In time, Noah finished the house. He took a good look at what he had accomplished, got rip-roaring drunk for ten days, thought seriously about setting it on fire, and finally put the house up for sale. -James Garner (narrating), "The Notebook"

Hanging Out In Rapid City

Oi. Long day of prep ... I'm finally almost only in three houses instead of four (ridiculous, hmm?), I'm feeling much more organized regarding IV next semester, and much more stressed regarding classes. Guess you can't have it all. Still catching up on sleep and such from the weekend ... Wow. Exhausting. Mentally, physically, emotionally ... and I was only a bridesmaid. Craziness. I really, really wish I had more for you right now, what with my lack in posting lately. Let's see what's on the internet that I could rant about ... It's alarming the amount of personal information available. In less than ten minutes, I went from a first name and campus to a full name, parents, address, high school, birthday, and general interests. I'm creeped out, and I was the one doing the snooping ... Makes me wonder just how visible this blog and all of its contents are. (*Shudder.*) What's in the news ... Well, the top Yahoo! story right now is "Python gulps queen s...

Diary Of A Stadium Wedding

**Pictures to be added when I can download them back at camp!** 6:30AM: My alarm goes off. I grumble at it and hit "snooze." 6:50AM: Okay, okay, I'm up. Don't have THAT long to get ready to go. 7:40AM: On the road again ... It's been so long since I last made this drive. I hope I remembered right and it only takes 20 minutes. ... 7:47AM: Wow, has it been awhile. So many odd memories, usually involving cars moving too fast ... Car tag, and "story time" with Nick after he got followed by a certifiably crazy dude through a cornfield ... Hee hee. Love this stretch of road. 9:00AM: Well, I've been sitting here waiting for an hour, and now they're working on my hair. Lord only knows how long this will take ... So many curls ... 9:22AM: Yeah. I'm stuck in this chair for the foreseeable future. 10:07AM: Woot! Done! 12:03PM: Not that this hanging out waiting for everybody else to get done hasn't been fun, but it's good to be moving on to the n...

Um, Hi?

Okay, so my weekly email thing isn't happening. Oof. Turns out my computer is highly neglected this summer, which is more than fine with me. My holiday weekend(ish) was awesome; Missy and I hung out with the Tech crowd to catch the fireworks in RC on Sunday, and then the whole crew headed to Mt. Rushmore for the fireworks on Monday. That whole experience, even with three hours of rain, was pretty awesome. Work has continued as normal. Not much to report there. Or anything, really. Um ... yeah. I don't really know as I have anything else to report. How boring. Talk to you all soon!