The LaPlace Domain
Quick rant: my process control class is driving me batty. It's really just differential equations all over again. Not DifEQ 2, mind you. Just a repeat. I'd much rather be learning something new. At the very least, it wouldn't feel like such a waste. Argh. At least I'm not alone in that feeling. Sir Calvert seems to feel the same way ("seems" is being too general ... he rants loudly about his disdain for the class), and all of us chem-es just giggle when S.A. mentions MathCAD. (Tee hee!) I shouldn't complain too loudly. This is, after all, the Internet, and besides, it could be much worse. For instance, there is at least one professor that I'm tremendously relieved isn't teaching the class. I'll take S.A. any day over the other dude. I remember the days when I really, truly cared about my classes ... Those days aren't completely gone, but sometimes they feel obviously absent. I'm enjoying what I'm doing (for the most part),...