
Showing posts from September, 2005

Getting Old

Exhaustion set in hours ago, and yet I'm sitting at my computer playing the little game with the neurotic penguins. Somehow, I can't seem to convince myself to sleep. Maybe it's the week taking it's toll on my poor body. Maybe it's the day itself kicking in. Maybe it's my housemate cleaning her room. (Did you know that a Swiffer mop sounds remarkably like a digital camera when you squirt the cleaner? Neither did I.) Maybe it's because my roommate's snoring. Whatever it is, I'm still bumping around in the night. It's been an insomnia-inducing week. Homework, job interviews, angry bosses ... I feel like I've been going full speed when my body was only capable of half-speed. (Sort of like my Jeep.) Tomorrow, it's a senior design test. Bit scary. Then, it's a fun-filled weekend of paper writing. Ah, but at least Sunday is french toast night. There's always that to rescue my sanity ... or further impair it, knowing the pote...

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like ... Uh, October?

Ah, it's going to be an interesting day. I'm cooling it down here in the lab, and I'm all alone and feeling chatty. We'll see how many blog posts are the result of this. (It would definitely make a difference if I didn't have so many five-minute breaks in which I only have time to stare off into space or type a couple of paragraphs. Or if I wasn't caught up on all the data input, for the first time ever.) (And then there are the times I have to pull myself away because the centrifuge suddenly sounds as though it might lift off.) So I've managed to frighten myself this morning with my public display of philosophicality (PDP). That may be another trust thing ... In any case, don't expect it to happen again. Not today, anyway. My awesome housemate brought me a bowl of chili (she got it for lunch and then changed her mind), so now my poor body gets some nourishment. As far as food goes, I think today might actually go better than most weekdays have lately (n...

The Meaning Of Life

I'm going to take a bold step here and declare that I don't really believe in coincidence. I think things happen for a reason. Good things, bad things, things that seem unimportant ... Don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean I know the reasons for everything (although that would certainly make life interesting ... or infinitely boring, one of the two). I wish I could explain things like Katrina and Rita, or why people seem to die prematurely or parents split up or people get downsized. I also believe the answers don't necessarily come directly after the effect, that sometimes years pass before anything makes sense. And sometimes the answers come right away. To make a long (loooong) story short, I've been strugging to find a purpose, largely since Russia. The trip to Russia consumed my life for the better part of a year, and when it ended, I suddenly had to wonder what was next. This time, it wasn't about having an adventure; it was simply about having a reason...

Feelin' Loopy

The moral of the story is don't let an Arby's Beef and Cheddar Sandwich sit for half an hour before eating it. I'm feeling a bit on the loopy side (the front desk people just caught the brunt of it) due to lack of sleep and sustenance. And too much computer time. Which I once again answer by writing in my blog. From a computer. I'm not very smart sometimes. Ah, but it's done in increments. Five minute ones, to be exact. Interrupted by the fact that I'm actually at work. Unfortunately, the interesting level is at an all-time low, as I'm washing glass beads tonight. Yup. You read that right. Washing glass beads. This only means that my dream of sleeping tonight is slowly slipping away. So much homework due on Friday, with so much to do tomorrow ... I may just have to pick which night to sleep and forget about it for the other one. I think I'm well on my way to not sleeping tonight. I've pumped my body so full of caffeine in the last two hours...

Standard Day

Apologies for the word recognition thing on my comments, but I'm sick of weird spam commenting. I have no desire to go to gaming sites, nor do I want to subject all four of my readers to the advertisements for said sites. Anyway, I'm working in the computer lab again, and I needed a break. Naturally, my first thought was to type in my blog, thus continuing the necessary eye strain and finger soreness. Actually, it had more to do with laziness and a lack of places to go than that. Let's see here ... Not a whole lot to talk about, really. Darren, I sent that card to you, in hopes that it will get there before you get back. (Why didn't I send something months ago? Sheesh.) Had senior design this morning, and tonight I've got astronomy and a mass lab meeting. Here's hoping we can wrap things up quickly for mass lab. I'd like to sleep tomorrow night. Homework, as always. Lots of mass transfer due tomorrow. I've finished two of the problems completel...


Yay free food! Yay large concrete letters! Yay mud! Ah, how I love homecoming in this town. After the last 90 years of this, people get used to seeing college students in senior hats / freshmen beanies and covered in white paint and mud wandering around town. That and they restrict entrance with "NO MUD" signs. It's kind of funny. Pictures soon!

Dirt Graffiti

My car is dirty. Not horrifically dirty, mind you, but dirty nonetheless. It's a Jeep, my grandparents live on a loooooong gravel road, and I don't care enough/don't have the cash to wash it. (Technically, the Jeep part doesn't really matter, except that there aren't many Jeeps of its age/ghettoness out there that are very clean. It doesn't fit with the character of the vehicle.) Please explain to me the obsession random people have with writing in the dirt of cars. Seriously. I understand Ashli's little heart on my driver's door, but that's only because it's Ashli. The monstrous "Hello!" in the back windshield? I don't get it. It doesn't bother me, but it's kind of strange. The random swear words? Those bother me. What level of classlessness does that take, anyway? Oh, and then there was Karl's addition, which was vastly predictable but only mildly irritating. That's no less than five "inscriptions" in my ...

Internet Access?

Quick clarification -- I know what Internet access is. I'm typing in a blog. This isn't some weird form of telepathy, where I think in keystrokes on some distant keyboard. However, after three weeks of silence, our house now has access! Not to mention 200 highly repetitive TV channels, and a local phone number. At last! The truth of the matter is that I felt like I had to post today, even though I don't really have anything to say. I'm at work, waiting for the autoclave to finish up. And it's done. Later, people. PS -- Yes, Darren, I find it odd that Ashli asked me a question on my blog. Especially since she was the first one to tell me about FSMism.


Okay, I just have to post this link . It's hilarious. It's shots from "Revenge of the Sith," from a DVD that was first translated into Chinese, then translated back into English for subtitling purposes. For those of you who like "Star Wars," or those who don't, or who just haven't seen "Revenge of the Sith," or maybe just those that want a laugh ... Come to think of it, just go read it. You may have to scroll down a bit to get to the post (depending on your computer's level of retardedness -- mine's pretty retarded) and it's full of pictures, which may take awhile to load. But it's worth it. Ah, language confusion.