What's Keeping Me Awake Tonight
or "Why my birthday actually scares me" Okay, so the alternate title doesn't really apply. My birthday doesn't scare me. As of now, I don't really fear aging and this year in particular it doesn't seem to mean much. (I was supposed to be going to space camp. Sigh. The full disappointment hasn't hit yet.) However, the sudden realization that my birthday is only a couple weeks away scares me, and it does this every year. Allow me to explain. I made you a chart. See, it has everything to do with the eventfulness of it all... Mind you, this only includes immediate family members -- no aunts or cousins -- and I only threw in the holidays where family gathering would normally occur (so Mother's Day is in there but I didn't count Halloween). The real catch? Those April and May events happen almost entirely in a 21-day period. In that single three week chunk, there are four birthdays, an anniversary, and a holiday. Then, just for fun, we...