Best Laid Plans

So, um...

Here we are?

I guess?


I think we can all agree that this was not what anyone expected out of 2020. At no point in time were we expecting weeks of schools closing, businesses shutting down, stay-at-home-orders, and a shortage of toilet paper. Planes grounded. Borders closed. Social distancing, but on purpose.

That being said, I highly doubt there's a single thing of value that I could add to the coronavirus conversation.

I'm not sure where that leaves me. This poor thing has been languishing here for the last year, unwritten, unread, and irrelevant. Skipping out on the only real topic of the day doesn't exactly help with any of that.

But then again, neither does adding one more voice saying, "Stay home, and for the love of Pete, wash your hands!"

Instead, now that I'm finding myself home with an excess of time, perhaps I can finally buckle down and write all of those other things I've been thinking about. Nothing like a little insanity to give you time for reflection and maybe even the ability to find the right words.

No promises, of course (not that anyone will notice for awhile...). But hey, if I can add at least a minor distraction, I may as well, right?


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