
Showing posts from November, 2016


I'm finding myself thinking about a stack of products today. That's what happens, right? It's the week of Black Friday, and I'm supposed to be thinking about products ... right? Okay, so it's actually the week of Thanksgiving and what I'm actually thinking about starts with something very Thanksgiving-y. And then it shifts into some awesome Internet things because apparently today is just one of those days. So! First. FiveThirtyEight ran a Thanksgiving Thunderdome Poll to determine the best meal for tomorrow. The Ultimate Thanksgiving Dinner Menu I recommend reading it based almost entirely on Walt Hickey's, um, "analysis" of the results. [Note: I am impressed that the healthier options won out over some of the more traditional unhealthy options.] Next! OK Go released their newest video. It is another must-see. I love it for multiple reasons. This is my favorite song from "Hungry Ghosts" (really, one of my very fav...


This. Once again, I'm late to the game. This book came out four years ago and I didn't trip over it until this past week, when I found it on the staff recommendation shelf at a favorite bookstore. It's absolute magic and I highly recommend it. Part mystery, part heist, part character study, part lesson in networking, and altogether incredibly entertaining. (I also recommend it in audiobook form. I hear there's a bonus, which makes sense when you get to the end of the printed form...) "At first I thought I had a crush on her, but then I realized she's an android." (Description of Ashley Adams)


Because it's been an absolutely psychotic week (in my case, on both a micro and macro level) and because some days you just need a lift ... Today, I'm doing the November thing and trying to be grateful. And yes, that means you have to hear about it. This week, I'm grateful for ... Completed chemotherapy treatments. (Thinking of you, Kaci!) Family gatherings with lots of food, including when the hunters turn up at the ranch and I get to go mooch. Long hours worked by people trying to solve a problem. Weather that cooperates with a water leak (read: not freezing). Actually, just really great weather. Good timing and good hearing. Floor drains in old bathrooms. (Yes. Those two are related.) The simple ability to do my dishes. Long drives across wide open spaces. New phones with new apps. ... There. For now, that makes me feel just a little bit calmer.

A Bit Of Levity

Much needed. [DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSCIENCE / Motto: "If I hear the phrase 'mirror neurons' I swear to God I will flip this table."]

An Open Letter

I've been trying to process this whole election since ... well, since about this time last year, but particularly since 2:30 this morning. Now, after managing a couple more hours of sleep, there are a few things I want to say to some of the involved parties. To Mr. Trump: Congratulations. You now represent 318,000,000 Americans to the rest of the world. I hope you've considered that -- you now stand for all of us. Every man, woman and child, of every race and religion. Every single one . Not just the ones you like. That's pretty huge. Now, I ask something inflammatory: please clean up your act. If you are to represent us, we'd like the rest of the world to respect us. You've said and done some things that, quite frankly. I don't want my name attached to, and I'd appreciate it if you'd cut that stuff out. To paraphrase a Chinese proverb, it would have been better if you'd done that twenty years ago, but the next best time is right now. T...

Not A Bad Start.

My car has proper license plates for its county of residence. I've already voted. I have a functional cell phone again (that is mostly doing what I want it to do). Anyone else feel like a fine upstanding citizen today?