Christmas Catch-Up
I'm having one of those weeks where I realize just how much of an adult I actually am. Bear with me here. First, I got exactly what I asked for for Christmas. One of these things was a memory foam mattress topper, easily the least exciting thing I've requested since I realized five years ago that I could use a powered screwdriver. And let me tell you -- that mattress topper was everything I hoped it could be. I haven't gotten that great a night's sleep at home in forever. This also happened. If you've been here for any length of time, you will know that my xkcd love is well-documented. Thing Explainer is Randall Munroe's expansion of a comic that described the Saturn V rocket only in the most common English words. The book is downright beautiful, including detailed drawings and simplistic explanations for everything from smartphones to bridges to the sun's structure. (Now I want a poster-sized version of his periodic table.) And that copy of ...