Denver is usually my most predictable stop. That's some of its allure. It's relaxing. Familiar but fresh. When I pulled into town on Thursday afternoon, I was ready for that relaxation. So the first thing? Shorty takes me to his bouldering gym. Expectation: It'd be fun but not really my thing. Reality: It was fun and now I want to buy climbing shoes and Rapid needs one of these gyms so I can go all the time. [Deep, cleansing breath.] We followed with dinner before he dropped me off at Daz's place (henceforth referred to as the DH Hotel) and I got to get caught up with the man himself. Badly needed. Also ... lots of Disney movies. Gosh, I love staying at the DH Hotel. (The coffee is great, too.) Friday evening, after an incredibly lazy day, I met up with Mr. Rogers for dinner. Now, to clarify a few things, Mr. Rogers had gotten his hands on one ticket to the Packers-Broncos game and I had been ... peeved. (Yeah, that's the word.) Over dinner...