A Book Adventure
In keeping with the themes of the season, I decided to tackle a new book challenge. I'm hitting a bunch of classic mysteries ... horror ... creepy books in whatever order I can find them. I posed the challenge on Facebook looking for additional suggestions and as such I now have a few books to plow through before Halloween. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus This one has been on my "to read" list for so long that it's ridiculous. Heck, I even own it in paperback form. No excuse for this neglect. Now it's at the top of the list. It's also pretty short (like a few other entries on this list), so ... yep. No excuse. This will be my second one to read because although I've owned it forever, what really got me started on this new "challenge" was ... Dracula Another that I should have read years ago and just ... haven't. A bit longer than Frankenstein but written in a voice that I haven't been able to put down. Also,...