Good News, Bad News

As I wrote this, I kept thinking of these ...

Anyone else remember them?

I love Animaniacs. Even still.

Anyway! It's been an up-and-down, good news/bad news kind of week. And everything's been subject to the volatility.

I won't dwell on the bad news here. We'll summarize it as "Hey, freedom of movement!"and keep going.

But then there's been the good stuff. Things like a surprisingly larger tax return. And the return of income in the form of a truly random, temporary "part-time" job. All a bit of a relief as I've made my post-real-job savings stretch about as far as I humanly could.

Hey, it's been okay. But I'm happy to be able to be social again.

And start saving up for a few things. Like a moving truck. And a new bike.

And gas money.

And ... ooh, a Boundary Waters trek.

It's good to be back.


Lee Ryan said…
Boundary Waters rocks!!! (though, I'm sure my memories of all the mosquitoes has faded somewhat...)

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