Caffeine is arguably the most popular drug in this country. Over half of American adults drink coffee daily; another 30% drink it occasionally. The US -- with around 5% of the world population -- accounts for one-third of soda sales world wide. In the meantime, energy drinks have reached a somewhat unnerving level of popularity. It's so ingrained that ThinkGeek has an entire section devoted to caffeine paraphernalia. [Raise your hand if you'd like a coffee mug with a caffeine molecule drawn on it! For the record, it's hard to type with one hand raised.] I have never considered myself dependent on caffeine. I've never been a gotta-have-a-cup-of-coffee-before-work person and while my Pepsi habits have been bad over the years, it's always been because I was craving ... Pepsi. And carbonation. However, there's a catch: while I didn't consider myself dependent, my body had some different ideas. I was drinking coffee pretty much daily. I didn't drink it ...