And It Was Good.

I had a great Thanksgiving.

There was some of this...

(I was making breakfast. Fancy french toast whose recipe I must write down.)

And later ... some of this.

Fun fact: cranberry sauce is much tastier when it comes out in the shape of the can.

(I had to take a picture. This is the only canned food we have on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Heck, we didn't even have green bean casserole this time, which while not canned itself involves use of canned food. It was a pretty fantastic meal.)

Then there was this ... Olives on fingers are tradition around here.

And plenty of this.

And a little of this.

And way too much of this, if that's possible.

And then there was the hand and foot marathon. Mom's turn to lose three in a row.

Then, just to make the weekend more perfect, there was this.

Seriously. I don't remember the last time a movie actually made me laugh from beginning to end, but this one did it. A big part of it was definitely Chris Cooper as an eeeeevil oil tycoon. ("Maniacal laugh ... maniacal laugh...") Given that his roles are usually deadly serious, playing the only "serious" role seemed about right.

And hilarious.

There it is. My weekend in a nutshell, minus a birthday outing last night that was also great fun. Hope everybody else's holiday was as good -- or better -- than expected!


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