The entirety of my college career, July was the most uncomfortable time to be in Rapid City.
The first two weeks especially ... This was when it would hit 100°, up to 110°, almost without effort. These were the scorching days, the extreme fire danger days, the let's-go-hide-in-a-basement days.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I checked the weather forecast for next week and found ... Seventies. Rain. Chilly nights.
I'm not sure what to do with this. This weekend is expected to be hot and thunder-y, but the week? Not so much.
Don't get me wrong. There's no real downside to the temperature NOT reaching 100° ... Just utter confusion on my part, and, well, I'm used to utter confusion.
Now I realize that the answer is: no. None whatsoever.
I am almost done with my first year in CA (yeah - you know where) and I never knew that there was a place where the weather was so good.
Of course, I'm not a big fan of living here - it's a big cultural shift from the midwest.
I've thought about defecting to costal Portugal. I hear the weather there is just as good, but you don't have to deal with living in CA.
What do you think?
Personally, I don't mind Wisconsin -- it's a little more moderate than SD, there's considerably less wind, and I have yet to see a day over 100. That was a welcome shift.
Although I miss terrain. And open space. The trees inspire a little claustrophia at times.
Wisconsin's mosquitoes are nastier.
I agree - the summers are nicer and Wisconsin has more lakes. Where I grew up, we had three to choose from with easy biking distance.