An Update List
Twelve Things I've Done In The Last Thirty Days
1. Dressed up in a fabulous red dress and gone to a high-end fundraiser (where I looked great but spent the evening with people way outside my pay grade ... it was pretty awesome).
2. Dressed up in a NOMEX jumpsuit and hard hat and looked around a chemical plant in Texas.
3. Organized a going-away party for my fake husband.
4. Invited all sorts of people to said party by tracking them down on Facebook. Creepily.
5. Knitted a scarf.
6. Been to a 9th annual 23rd birthday dinner.
7. Taken sixth place in a cribbage tournament (out of 17 teams, thankyouverymuch).
8. Been featured on a blog devoted to movies and the people that watch them.
9. Helped feed about seventy hungry people.
10. Gone to two beer release parties.
11. Designed a waste treatment facility for a chemical refinery about twelve time zones away. Then again, that's my job.
12. Hit three years in Wisconsin.