Just So You Know

12 Things In My Purse
1. My duct tape wallet.

2. My normal wallet.

3. Some form of reading material. (Currently I'm carrying a messenger bag, so I have two magazines and a book.)

4. A little bottle of bubbles from the Stevens-Downs wedding.

5. A Tide To-Go pen.

6. My journal (containing everything from rants about the day's happenings and prewritten blogs to pictures of friends and sketches of things I intend to make. Oh, and shopping lists, sermon notes, phone numbers, a couple of reading lists ...)

7. My camera.

8. My cell phone.

9. My MP3 player and headphones.

10. A travel hairbrush/mirror/sewing kit.

11. A handful of business cards.

12. This coaster.


daz said…
now all you need is a basement paradise :-P

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