Aside from my recent obsession with "August Rush" (What can I say? It's a great movie. With great music. And great scenery), I've had a positively uneventful week. Maybe this helps me account for the lack of blog activity, at least in comparison to last month.
In Ashleyland news, my trip to Russia has officially been abandoned. While this made me yell and cry for a bit (I threw a tantrum), it means that I'll be headed to Rapid City in ten days for graduation. Makes it a little less frustrating. Only a little, though.
I wish I had more for you. Really I do. Maybe another day.
So long you've been running in circles
'Round what's at stake
But now the time's come for your feet to stand still in one place...
I'll be around if you feel like catching up on your Bully Blends quota.