
Showing posts from February, 2007

Settling In

Right, so I have no patience and I have this blog sitting here, already written. I was originally going to wait till tomorrow to post it, but about two minutes ago I changed my mind -- I'd like to get back to "normal" blogging soon. Now, without further ado ... ---------------- Something I wrote on Thursday of my first week: I live in a fairly nice apartment in a fairly nice part of town. I work out of a sadly barren cubicle (I'm hoping to change that fact quickly). I have cable television but no TV, a computer but no Internet access. I spend my days reading about wet air oxidation and my nights reading about grisly murders. I work at the same company as my friend's dad (Bri's dad, actually). As a matter of fact, he used to work in this office, about fifty feet from where I am. My first day, several people greeted me with "So you're Dave's daughter's friend?" She's from Texas originally. Go ahead and sing it. "Iiiiiit's a sm...

Welcome To Wausau

I made it! Technically speaking, I've been here for over two weeks already. In that time, however, I haven't had Internet access. Oddly enough, that didn't stop me from blogging -- after all, this is really just a journal I'm willing to make public. It stopped me from posting, though, so over the next few days I'll be getting you caught up ... That's enough of that. Let's get started, shall we? ---------------- Sunday, February 11th, 2007 I'm in a Days Inn and I start work tomorrow. It's weird. Friday I packed up the car and drove away without thinking too much about it. There was plenty of time to think in the car, and I was already running an hour behind. Friday night was great. I stayed in Minneapolis with my sister, where we went to a performance by Hip Hop Theater there on the U of M campus. It was awesome -- a student on campus takes actual accounts from students and sets them to ... rap. It's half-rap, half-dialogue/standard play. And it...

On The Road Again

I still don't like packing. It's been a long week, and I've been through most of the stages. Denial ("There's no way I own this much junk"), anger ("This crap is never going to all fit!"), bargaining ("I swear, I'll stop collecting stuff if some of it could just disappear"), depression ("Does this really matter? I'm probably not going to stay in one apartment long enough anyway") ... Not sure I've really made it to acceptance. That might not come till next weekend, when I hopefully have a place to live and can UNpack. Much more fun. The bottom line is that I'm very tired (doesn't matter what time I need to be up -- I can't fall asleep at normal hours yet), I'm cranky, and I don't really want to drive today. At all. Actually, I'm not convinced I want my time of rest to end, which is exactly what the last month or so has been. Restful. Argh. In any case, I should get back to work. Thought ...

Life In The Slow Lane

The full truth of this post is that I'm really only writing because a) it's been a few days, b) someone pointed out that my last post (two, actually) were a bit depressing, and c) I feel like it. However, this hasn't exactly been the most exciting week. It hasn't really been UNexciting either, just not terribly blog-worthy. I painted the kitchen, helped Dad with his Mathcounts school competition, sifted through the paperwork I need to have read and filled out before starting work on Monday, and continued searching for possible apartments in Wausau. (Unfortunately, the one I had my heart set on came with one major flaw: it's not cable-capable, therefore not really high-speed-internet capable. This was a strange new obstacle, as far as apartments I've been looking at lately.) The little fact to remember is that this is the extent of the excitement over the last week and a half (except for Lee, but you've heard about him already). Besides that, I've been re...


The man who drowned in the pond is named Lee Hofer, of Lee's Meats down here. He was an avid outdoorsman and was rather involved in the community; he even taught us (way back when I was in middle school) archery during PE. Not knowing the man (beyond a few days of PE), I can't really say much more. Again, please pray for his family. It's February, folks, and you know what that means: my favorite (*cough*) holiday is almost here! I haven't done much shopping lately, so until today I had actually almost forgotten about it. Somehow there have been other things occupying my mind ... Anyway, I don't really feel like furthering the "single and bitter" stereotype, so if you want, you can read my previous rant, "Holiday Of 'Love'" . If you don't feel like reading it, here's a summary: I don't like Valentine's Day. When I was younger I liked it, but mostly because it meant we had a party at school and I got to have candy at h...