The Sanctity of Playground Games
The daycare is far too heavy an influence on what I write here, but that doesn't really bother me. The topic today: playground games.
I have come to realize that these kids I watch have, by and large, no imaginations. Their games reflect it; they play house, collect critters and play ball tag or four-square. Other than that, I get more "I'm bored"s in one recess time than I ever wanted to hear in a single summer. And somehow, it's easy to understand; they can't come up with anything new, and regardless of the game, they will argue about the rules.
This is where the complaining begins.
The one single game I can't watch is four-square. Why? I have many fond memories of playing this in middle school, but my friends and I were, shall we say, rather competitive. We played to get to the server's square. If you took too long to get to the square, you didn't play. If you left the game, you were done for the day. If you screwed up, you we...