So Here We Go Again
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I'd love to blame the holidays for my lack of posting -- after all, it was a bit before Thanksgiving when you last saw me here -- but the truth is simply that I don't wanna. Yep. Don't wanna. But as it's the end of the year -- the end of a very long, very strange year -- I figured it was time to reappear. How are you? ... Yeah, that sounds about right. Had you asked me a year ago, I would have said that by now I'd be in Denver, maybe even back to living alone and enjoying what my early thirties have to offer with a full complement of health benefits and a 401(k). I'd have gone on a couple of road trips and perhaps I'd be saving up for a big trip overseas. As I've mentioned previously, however, this year has not gone as expected. First, of course, was the job situation. When the initial change didn't take, I ended up with a temporary gig ... that just keeps reappearing. Then a few months back, my...