Highs/Lows, Week 6(ish)

Yesterday ... I just plain forgot to post.

Yup. I'm not even sure how, although I suppose that had something to do with leaving the house at random times over the course of the day.

So I think I'll use my gimme for the week and do some highs and lows (a post I apparently skipped last week) ... but in the opposite order.

This week:

  • Really, there was only one genuine low. And that was having to see a camper leave in an ambulance. In this case, the camper being a retired UM minister that lives in town and comes out here on a regular basis. He's okay -- but there was a really scary half hour in there that put a damper on the whole week.

  • A break at last! Well, a half-break, since there are still people around, but still a break.
  • We have had some remarkably cooperative weather.
  • I get to go for a drive tomorrow! And hopefully catch up with Daz! Woot.

That's ... that's enough for now. Might be time for a nap (which could also qualify as a high). Happy Friday, all!


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