
Showing posts from September, 2013

Into The West

This is the account of my first day, as written in my journal. I'm keeping it as close to the original as possible, even though it was over two weeks ago. Enjoy! * I actually kind of love Wyoming. It's the Wild West thing, I suppose. As the Admiral said, I've "always been a westerly girl." The history, the landscape, the attitude -- it fascinates me. And Wyoming can add a whole lot of beauty to that list. I'd forgotten just how awe-inspiring the Bighorns are. I have no idea how that happened. Today, I spent the entire drive watching it rain to the south or west of me, fully expecting to drive through it at some point. Heck, Denver's flooding as I write this. Instead, it's been dry. I'll be shocked if that lasts through the night, though. [Click to read the larger version.] My main historical stop today (after a failed attempt to eat lunch ... at a place that opens after 3:00) was the Fetterman Fight/Massacre Hill site. It...

The End Of The Roadhouse

The first time I remember walking into the Gaslight, I was just barely in college.   My first thought was, "Well, this is interesting."   I would have never expected that it would eventually be my own local hangout.   FaceLifted from the Gaslight page. The last recognizable business in Rockerville, it was a backwoods western kind of roadhouse, the type with a good burger and a fair bit of biker decor. That was usually the compliment I heard when I introduced my friends to it -- "Wow! The food's really good. I didn't expect that..." It was the kind of place that featured bluegrass music or old rock and could still serve up a mean plate of pasta. Sitting roughly at the end of the camp driveway, it was also an escape hatch for my coworkers and me. As a summer staff member, I could camp out there with a pitcher of Pepsi and my computer so I could use their wifi. As a full-timer, it became a matter of convenience; on a night with no gues...

Scenic Byway

My trip is going really well. I've had a blast so far and ... hey, I still have six days left! Kind of incredible. At some point, I may even post about that. But today, as I sit in Idaho and have internet access for the first time in a couple of days, I'm getting caught up on other things. Including today's xkcd. Which pretty well summarizes me.  

The Overplanner

When I first said, "Hey, could I have some time off in September? I think I need to go for a drive," I had no idea what it would actually amount to. What started as a chance to visit Shorty and maybe head on to Utah to do a little exploring quickly turned into a potentially massive road trip. And when the Bossman looked at the calendar and told me I could be gone a bit longer, there was no way I would turn him down. The Great Western Trek was reborn, this time both greater and more western than the previous two incarnations.   Almost immediately, though, a panicky feeling hit me. It was a familiar panic, the kind that occurs when an introverted engineer is facing chaos and strangers.   I needed a plan. And so the book came to be.     With the book, I had a gathering spot. A place for ideas, for an itinerary of sorts, for maps and plans. Slowly, the panic subsided.   You see, if there's ...

Fall Back

At long last, it is fall. I spend all of summer looking forward to September. Don't get me wrong -- summer has its merits. Kayaking, for instance. (After all, I live up north-ish. Not a lot of that going on before May or after August.) But after a couple of months of heat, tourists, and jacked-up gas prices, I'm ready for the moderation of autumn. I love the fall. I love the colors, the weather, the food, the feeling that, even though I haven't been in school for a few years now, things are starting afresh. I love that the temperature is suddenly bearable and the rain (admittedly not absent as long as usual) has returned. And while South Dakota might not have the vivid colors that Wisconsin has this time of year, it's a gentler autumn, one with less wind and biting rain and a bit more sun. The kind of weather that's perfect for a hike or a drive in the Hills. Of course, it also means that by the time I get back from my vacation, it'll be dark dark by 7:00...


This pretty well sums up writer's block as well...   INCIDENTAL COMICS: The Ghosts of Creativity

Not Quite Sleepy

For as long as I can remember, I've dealt with varying levels of insomnia. It's hereditary. My dad's always been an insomniac, and Mia Sorella has problems as well. I seem to be the lucky one, in that it doesn't happen to me quite as frequently or for as long -- but it's still there, still lurking every now and then to mess with a week. These last couple of weeks, it's been bad. Maybe it's because every night this summer, I fell into bed absolutely exhausted. Now I'm not totally draining myself of energy ... Maybe my body doesn't know how to react. Maybe it's caffeine-related. Maybe it's because I'm leaving on my road trip soon and my brain won't shut down. Or -- and this seems most likely -- it could just be time for another bout. By all means, I'll have to be up for a couple more hours before tonight "officially" counts, but it seems I'm on track to make it a four-night special. Hopefully that means ...


On Friday, I got to crash family dinner for Shorty's birthday. Yesterday .... well, yesterday I needed to get a flat tire replaced. And then I got to chill out by the creek for the night. Today, I'm off to the ranch for a few hours. And tomorrow ... well, I need to clean house. It's a good long weekend. Hope you're all enjoying your Labor Day weekend!