
Showing posts from June, 2012

Right, So...

1. Mia Sorella's visit was awesome. I'd like to say I'll blog exclusively about that sometime soon, but she left two weeks ago and I still haven't. So ... we'll see. 2. Included in that was a rather intense trip to Minneapolis that's also worthy of its own post. But ... we'll see. 3. Thoughts are with my Colorado friends ... I know some of you were on pre-evacuation alert. Hope your neighborhoods are still intact. 4. I now know far too much about the TV stations in Topeka, Kansas. 5. Let's add Kristen Stewart to the list of pop culture phenoms I just don't understand, shall we? 6. Is saying you want to see "Magic Mike" for the storyline a bit like saying you read Playboy for the articles? 7. Almost July. Big month ahead. Egads.

Right, So...

It's been a couple weeks. Mia Sorella's been home, and with an interruption like that I ... totally forgot about the blog. Yup. Which means it's only natural that I'm not going to write at this exact moment. I will, however, send you on to this article . Because everyone needs a little nerdvana in their day.