More Things I Don't Understand

A year and some ago, I made a list.

Consider this a brief update.

1. The Kardashians, officially and as my number one. If Barbara Walters calls you talentless, what more hope do you have?

2. Twitter as used by your average Joe. I kind of get the appeal of following a celebrity here and there -- that connectedness thing gets people. But why would I ever really need to use it?

3. Similarly, the constant need to update one's Facebook status.

4. Why someone so universally disliked (try to find a fan ... I dare you) as Pauly Shore can continue to make movies. That people watch. Allegedly.


Tua Sorella said…
I know someone who likes Pauly Shore a lot. This is the same girl obsessed with Arnold Schwarzenegger and the "movie" Grandma's Boy. So... yeah
JustMe said…
1) Ditto
2) & 3) I love the ones that like to put their day's to-do list on there. "Workout, laundry & babysitting" is so breaking news...
4) Who?
Ashley said…
Mia Sorella: Please tell me this isn't a close friend. If so ... There may be something wrong with you as well.

Andi: You just became my hero (with #4). IMDb him if you dare.

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