
Showing posts from February, 2012

For Your Viewing Pleasure

I'm in the middle of a weekend on the ranch, but I wanted to share something that Shorty showed me. It's pretty fantastic. (Although judging by the number of hits on this video already, at least half of you have already seen it.) Enjoy!

Ah, February.

Once again, xkcd comes through for me when I just don't know what else to say.  Enjoy your Valentine's Day as sanely as you can, folks.


Hi there! How's it going? Not a lot to report here. It's been a day of organization. I've been sorting through ... everything, it seems. Old clothes, piles of paper, computer files. While making my way through my computer, I started collecting in one spot some of the more ridiculous photos I've taken. And, naturally, my next thought was that they needed to be shared. These are all things I've seen myself. They're at varying levels of amusing and/or ridiculous. Some of them are somewhat legitimate. Some ... aren't. Like this. I didn't really know what to make of this. This one was just amusing. In a Wausau grocery store. (Of course.) This was actually a fabulous ad campaign for a museum in Seoul ... There were several slightly-less-clothed works of art depicted. I figured this one was recognizable enough. This was just plain dumb. Shame, B&N. They apparently just don't want you taking care of business on t...

What I Got Out Of The Super Bowl

Um ... Not a lot. And not much that actually had anything to do at all with football. 1. There was a fabulous NBC commercial before the game . 2. The coin toss means that I (and a whole bunch of other people) get a free pizza from Papa John's. (Rewards members -- go here !) 3. The other was that OK Go debuted a clip of their video after the game. Now, the video is (of course) online... And awesome. (It helps a little if you've already heard this song, from "Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky." Happens to be one of my favorites.) And ... That's all. Good day, though.