A Proper Send-Off

My brief post last night was right after I heard the news -- and now I feel the urge to do a bit more justice to a man that has altered the very fabric of our reality.

We're talking about the brain that led to Apple computers (I know there are many who don't give a rip about Apple computers, but let's face it -- for years, they were the only mainstream competition for Microsoft. Can you imagine how things might have turned out without that push?) ... And then mp3 players, cell phones, tablets, and countless other iItems.

This is the man who, at the age of 31, bought The Graphics Group from Lucasfilm. You know them better as Pixar.

The man who fought pancreatic cancer for seven years, keeping up his CEO job until it really was too much to handle.

And stayed married to the same woman for twenty years, ended only by his death.

He accomplished more in 56 years -- 56 years -- than most do in a lifetime. Whether or not you liked him, whether or not you thought much of him, his reach is undeniable.

Rest in peace, Mr. Jobs.

[Another tribute from a mind far more advanced than mine.]


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