Busy Work

[Copyright Jef Mallet. I love Frazz.]
 This is the third post I've started today. Hopefully it won't also be abandoned.

While it hasn't been a particularly packed week, it certainly hasn't been calm, either. It came as no surprise then that when I took a step back, I found that a) I had accomplished more in three days than I probably have in three weeks, and b) I had barely scratched the surface.

It started with the grad school applications. In every case, there is some version of, "Please submit an essay of up to X pages describing your previous research experience and your intended research" -- the academic version of, "Tell us what you want to do for the rest of your life and why we should be the ones paying you to do it."

Intimidating, no? Manageable, but ... scary. I think I'm finally making progress.

When that gets too tough to think about, it's on to the next project: Korea. I've solved most of my major issues -- getting to Denver, where to stay the night before the flight, where to park for the week, where to stay the night after we return -- and my packing list is pretty much as clear as it can be. Now I just need to figure out the rest of the before-and-after ... Am I going to Rapid early? Should I be having meetings with old professors? Are there other loose ends? Am I coming back late? And holy cow, what do I need to pack for all of that?

Naturally, the timing of my departure and return are partially determined by the third project: some kind of seasonal employment. Put simply, I'm bored and I'm tired of not working. Therefore, I should find something to do (plus it'd be good to have a paycheck). Seasonal employment fits right in with the gypsy year, doesn't require long-term commitment, and would also leave Thanksgiving and Christmas open (although not the days following those two consumer-heavy holidays). Plus I'd be free enough to hopefully find additional employment for after the holidays pass. This week has been a spotty week of searching, likely turned up to eleven tomorrow so that I can get these things figured out before the weekend.

It's been a quiet month so I suppose it's about time everything kicked into gear. Now, to get my focus under control so that it all gets done...


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