Thursday Evening Post

There's a noisy but not overly large and threatening cloud headed this way -- but I can still see the sunset.

Sometimes South Dakota is particularly cool. Like when it rains and the sun shines at the same time.

Aside from that, there is blessedly little news. I'm watching the Packers game online (because apparently non-WI residents get hosed during some preseason games) and I continue to be alarmed by my interest in the game. Why, I still remember a time when I publicly shunned all things football (while I quietly kept an eye on the Pack) ...

On the other hand, it's a lot of fun to be a Packers fan, and even more fun to give my dad a hard time when my team's doing better than his.

And that, my friends, is my life right now. The job search continues, there are a few more random chores for me to take care of before I head to Sioux Falls, and whatever it was Mr. Rogers said yesterday is apparently something I'm not allowed to blog. (Would be a pity if I could remember what it was...)

Does it sound exciting? No, not terribly. Does that bother me?

No, not terribly.

With that, I'd better get back to that game. And maybe keep an eye on the rumbly storm headed this way...


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