
There is a firm, consistent truth in my life that says that when I come out here -- whether it's for a weekend or a week -- I will leave exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted.

For that matter, I suppose the same was true for every summer I spent here and the entire four and a half years that I lived here. (I went back to my parents' house and slept 10-12 hour nights for the first week after graduation. It was weird.)

This week looks like it will end in the exact same way. It's the hours (I stayed up talking to my former boss' wife until after two this morning), the tasks I came here to do (grad school apps), the mental switch from my last visit (high-and-mighty engineer) and this visit (doing the modern-day gypsy thing).

The exhaustion isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've accomplished things I probably wouldn't have in Sioux Falls. I've regained some of my sanity in the process, gotten a few things sorted out in my head, and generally calmed down. Tomorrow, I have a five hour drive just to digest it all and sort through my rather confusing Life Plan As It Now Sits.

I've never really had a true Life Plan before. This is new and intimidating.

For now, I'm back at the Blends, hoping to meet up with one more person before I hit the road, drinking my coffee and stealing power [actually, my laptop is plugged into the end-to-end string of lights that happens to end at this table] while I try to finish summarizing said Plan.

What a strange and interesting year this is turning out to be.


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