This post was inspired by my whole "Inception" experience, which I may write about all by itself if I can wrap my brain around it long enough. Not tonight, though -- no way in heck. *** I love movies. I know, I know. This has been stated before. No one is surprised to hear that. But please, bear with me. I love movies on a similar level to my love for books. Both transport you to a different place; both re-create reality for you, if only for a little while. But where books are absorbing for you and you alone (well, unless you're reading to someone) and employ your brain to fill in the blanks, to create the world they inhabit, movies are intended first as group experiences and second to provide that world. Both have their merits, and as a bibliophile as well I will not argue for one over the other. For now, I'm here to talk movies. I love the whole experience of a genuinely good movie. I love being sucked into an alternate reality for a couple hours, letting...