The Movie Reel
Like most people, I occasionally get music stuck in my head. However, I've found it far more perplexing to get movies stuck in my head.
Never the whole thing -- just a scene, or a couple of lines. And thankfully they usually don't stick for long (except for those pesky musicals) ... Just long enough to make me want to watch a movie, but not long enough for me to remember what it was by the time I get home.
Largely because of that last part, I decided yesterday to try listing them as they appeared. These are the results.
The Replacements (seriously woke up with a scene in my head)
Mary Poppins (that one was Moonie's fault)
Silence of the Lambs
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (also Moonie's fault)
Leap Year
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (that one I blame on the Admiral)
Joy Ride
Garden State
Singin' In The Rain
Casino Royale
Last Holiday
Brokeback Mountain
August Rush
The Departed
After all that I rented "Shutter Island" and I have to say -- it was pretty fantastic. I'm not into horror flicks but I love a good mind-bender (more of a "Silence of the Lambs" girl than a "The Ring" girl -- and anybody who saw "The Ring" with me knows that).
Actually, the easiest way to describe it is that if it has some kind of paranormal element odds are good I won't be interested. But if it deals with a maybe-too-realistic villain I'm more likely to enjoy it. There's something wrong with that.
"Shutter Island." Definitely a mind-bender. Beautifully done (at least in the way shots were taken and the music they used) and I like Leonardo DiCaprio, so altogether a good experience. Twist ending (you can probably take a guess at what it was) but with enough little surprises to still leave you wondering.
Now, to figure out what's up with that list...