Gearing Up (Again)

After a crazy week, it's just about time for Rock the Garden! I've been looking forward to this one for some time ... A visit to Minneapolis, a day of rock concerts, and some quality time with the Admiral.

Heck, the weather's even supposed to cooperate.

It's funny -- after years of only associating it with an aunt and uncle and soccer tournaments, I've  come to really enjoy Minneapolis. Partially because there's some great shopping (even aside from the Mall), Trader Joe's, Surdyk's, a lot more food options ... And partially because there are things like the Sculpture Gardens, the Science Museum, and the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

This weekend has an added bonus: I'm going with two people who aren't overly familiar with the city. Which means there are places we can go that I generally consider guilty pleasures.

Like IKEA. Woot.

Yes ... It's going to be a good weekend.


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