The Journey Back

48 hours from now, I should be in Sioux Falls.

After what has been a truly mind-boggling experience at times (from opened reactors to the Great Wall to mystery meat), I'm more than ready to be on the road.

And what a trip it will be. Half an hour to the airport, a thirteen hour flight (seriously, it lands three minutes after it takes off), a five hour layover, another hour and a half-ish flight, a few hours to sleep at home, and then a seven hour drive. Because no, I can't do things the easy way.

Plus, well, if I sleep till noon it'll just take three days longer to adjust to the time zone again. My body can handle it -- hopefully I'm not a royal pain to be around. I make no promises, though.

As always, Easter is an adventure. This year is no exception.

As soon as I'm back in Wausau, I'll have to be off and running again. Never before have I so looked forward to May.

Have a good weekend, all.


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