Back In WI

We landed last night a few minutes behind schedule because of a mix-up at the gate. The gatekeeper hadn't been informed that our slightly delayed flight attendant had actually arrived.

I felt kind of bad for the guy. There were a lot of irate customers chewing him out for there not being another flight to Newark that night and he was the last remaining person at a United gate.

Today has been ... uneventful. After several days of being almost constantly in the presence of others, I spent the day running errands and hanging out in almost complete anonymity.

It was wonderful.

Now, I find myself sitting at home, watching some "Psych" and getting my sugar fix from Sweetart Hearts.

The little Valentine's Day bags are about the perfect quantity. Plus I get to reminisce (to myself) about my days as a mildly boy-crazy elementary school girl and my attempts to get the attention of a kid named Josh around V-Day. (In retrospect, I think it worked.)

Yep. V-Day's great if you're under ten.


Paterson Franco said…
Hi Ashley, thanks for the welcome message on your banner =)
I felt just like that when I was in Venice, I felt so anonymous and common, nobody paid attention to me, it was relaxing in some way. I got lost there many times while walking around the streets and canals, and it had never been so pleasant to get lost somewhere. I had nowhere to go, so all the paths could take me somewhere interesting. I felt like I could walk forever, everything was new and I felt myself so free.
Most of the texts in my blog have English translations, so don't be scared if you see just Portuguese and Russian in the beginning, just in case you visit it.

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