Seasonally Affected

It's been snowing since yesterday. Not a lot, certainly not heavily, but steadily enough to have flakes in the air most of the time and for pavement to have a fine layer of white.

This morning as I drove back to work (I was in early so as to not have to stay till seven tonight thanks to an appointment this morning), some part of it finally sank in a little.

It's December 4th.

Christmas is only three weeks away.

And ... I hate to say this ... It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

[I just cringed. I'm sorry. That was a terrible joke.]

For the first time, my apartment isn't yet decorated. I haven't made any special food. Aside from getting my Christmas shopping done (which was actually pretty easy this year), I have done very little to acknowledge the season.

It's distinctly possible that, for the first time in history, I'm feeling more like a Scrooge than one of Santa's elves. I'd like to be happy and cheery about it; I'd like to be in the mood for Christmas music and Salvation Army Santas and lights and wreaths and gingerbread cookies. But ... I'm not.

The snow is almost helping. And it's possible that the company party tomorrow will help -- after dressing up and being surrounded by decorations and happy people, it's bound to have some effect.

I hope so. This mildly melancholy thing is getting a little tiresome.


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